Supporting Community
We explore what it means to live into our covenant “to be a loving, joyful community that nurtures spiritual growth and promotes compassion, social responsibility, and service in an atmosphere of mutual trust. LISTEN:
We explore what it means to live into our covenant “to be a loving, joyful community that nurtures spiritual growth and promotes compassion, social responsibility, and service in an atmosphere of mutual trust. LISTEN:
Please join us for a reflection on how we might discern our calling and what responding to it might mean. LISTEN:
Often UU’s describe what it means to be UU by using the seven principles, which are included in the UUA bylaws as a way to describe what we believe. A UUA task force has proposed a reformulation of the bylaws that would replace the seven principles with a new statement of values. Please join us … Continued
Please join us for a reflection on what it means to live in community and what we appreciate about the community we are co-creating here at the UU Church of Meadville. LISTEN:
Please join us as we continue our reflection on the UU principles by considering the third principle: As unitarian-universalists, we affirm and promote acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. LISTEN:
Since election day is drawing near, we continue our reflections on the UU seven principles with the 5th principle: UUs affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. People interested in past services on the UU principles can find reflections on … Continued
We reflect on the second principle and its implications for our lives. LISTEN:
Please join us for a reflection on the UU First Principle, which affirms the inherent worth and dignity of each person. LISTEN:
We reflect on spring, new possibilities, and the beginning of something new. LISTEN:
In honor of St. Valentine’s day, we’ll reflect on the power of love. LISTEN: