Music and Choir
“Without music life would be a mistake.—Friedrich Nietzsch
“Qui bene cantat bis orat” (They who sing pray twice.)—St. Augustine
Music and singing are integral parts of our Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship services. Whether it’s classical, rock, folk, drumming, or a cappella, music shifts the energy of worship and moves it into our bodies.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) publishes the hymnal Singing the Living Tradition plus two hymnal supplements: Singing the Journey and the Spanish-Language Las Voces del Camino. We also publish the multigenerational songbook Come, Sing a Song With Me through our imprint Skinner House Books.
Come Sing A Song With Us!
Choirs at the UU Church of Meadville
Adult Choir Contact: Aimee Reash
The choir rehearses each Sunday at 9 a.m. and performs once a month from September to May. Small ensembles and soloists may also perform at other times, including June through August. Any member or friend of the church is welcome to join the choir and/or to offer their musical gifts.