Showing up for Love and Justice
A group of members met July 2017 with the intention of re-organizing the SA Team. The group focused on a twofold mission, based on Jimmy Carter’s quote “Stay hydrated and keep building”
Keep Building:Support existing community groups such as Film for Thought and SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)
Continue our present community work – Soup Kitchen, Adopting Liberty House families for Christmas and sponsoring a room at Emergency Shelter etc.
Explore new projects – for instance -support weekend free meals offered at CHAPS, donate interview clothing for Liberty House residents
Stay hydrated – focus on self-care by exploring opportunities for regular meditation, mindfulness, relaxation, and/or gentle yoga sessions in the Parish House,
New members and ideas are welcome. Check the B&B, Oracle and Calendar for meeting times. Please contact these members with any questions or suggestions: