Corinne Chafey

Wrinkles and Silver Linings: What It’s Like to Be Old

If you want to understand what getting old feels like, who better to talk about it than the two most geriatrically qualified members of our congregation – a female octogenarian and a male nonagenarian? We’ll present the good, the bad and the ugly, but not necessarily in that order.

Gratitude Sunday

This will be a participatory service in the Parish House where we will all have an opportunity to share, if we so choose, the people, events and circumstances in our lives for which we are most thankful. This service will be held in the Parish House.    

Sharing Our Common Values

This Sunday members of our UUCM Church and the Faith Builders community will share some of our common values. LISTEN:  

Who Did You Listen to Today?

Too many of us define “listening” as the period during which we work out what we’re going to say next. If, like me, you’re someone who needs a small reminder that listening both attracts and heals, this sermon should speak to you.  

Why You Should Not Be A Unitarian Universalist

LISTEN: “So… when someone says, ‘What do Unitarian Universalists believe?’ and you answer, ‘Oh, we believe whatever we want to,’ that’s not quite true.  There are a lot of things we don’t believe in.  You are free to believe whatever you want here – but only as long as it helps you live a caring and humane life.”     – Rev. … Continued