
Original Music

Summer services are held in the Parish House. This year’s theme is Creative Spirit.   –

Ancient Vessels

Summer services are held in the Parish House. This year’s theme is Creative Spirit. The craft will be making clay coil pots.

Drum Circle

Summer services are held in the Parish House. This year’s theme is Creative Spirit.    

Still Life Drawing

Summer services are held in the Parish House. This year’s theme is Creative Spirit .

Singing Bowls

Summer services are held in the Parish House. This year’s theme is Creative Spirit.  

How to Garden; and Other Secrets to a Long and Healthy Life

We’ll talk about gardening as a balm for your spirit and a beneficial health opportunity. I have two Mary Oliver poems to share. It should be a fun and enlightening morning. Come comfortably dressed with a willingness to go out after the service and help to weed, spread mulch and otherwise tidy up the Church … Continued

Building Our Community

Reflecting on how we are building our church community, listening to what some are doing, reflecting on what is needed, considering what we can do.   LISTEN:  

Growing up Arab American in post 9/11 US

Reem Hilal, Ph,D., is Associate Professor of Arabic at Allegheny College.  She will speak to us of the joys and challenges of growing up as an Arab and a Muslim American, with some thoughts about what her experiences tell us about our culture. LISTEN:

Creativity and the Divine

Musings on the moments of clarity that make the creative process a wonder to behold.  LISTEN: