
Roots and Stardust: A Journey of Earth, Spirit, and Healing

Explore the profound connection between nature and our inner selves. Through ancient oaks, forgotten dreams, and cosmic whispers, we discover how nurturing our connection to Nature will heal our souls. Join us as we embrace our role as co-creators, weaving magic and reverence into our lives.   LISTEN:

Finding our Calling

Please join us for a reflection on how we might discern our calling and what responding to it might mean. LISTEN:  

Attachment and Liberation

Buddhism understands that suffering is everywhere. The reason for the suffering is related to some form of desire, friction, craving or aversion to the world. This leads to attachment to relationships, things, the status quo, and certain spiritual paths. The Buddha made this diagnosis but also prescribed a cure. The prescription to extinguish suffering includes … Continued

The Meaning of Easter

Belief in the resurrection is a foundational aspect of Christian faith. On this Easter Sunday, we will explore what meaning and messages that story holds for non-Christians.   LISTEN:

Celebrating Spring

Today we honor the arrival of Spring with a service inspired by earth-centered celebration of the Equinox on March 21st. LISTEN:

Decision fatigue?: Return to yourself.

On average, we make 35,000 decisions a day. From little decisions-what to eat for breakfast-to life altering decisions-how to prepare for one’s death, we are constantly at a crossroads of choosing which path comes next. When we make choices from a place of instability, we may experience decision fatigue or even decision paralysis. This Sunday’s … Continued

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved the Most:  The True Story of Mary of Magdala

We’ll consider the early Christian Mary and her Gospel.  According to gnostic sources, she was the apostle who was most loved by Jesus.  A strong and independent woman, Mary was the recipient of the deepest teachings of Christ before the Council of Nicaea redefined her as the subservient, non-apostolic prostitute. LISTEN:

Being UU

Often UU’s describe what it means to be UU by using the seven principles, which are included in the UUA bylaws as a way to describe what we believe. A UUA task force has proposed a reformulation of the bylaws that would replace the seven principles with a new statement of values. Please join us … Continued